Urbantasm: A Romance of Industrial America. Book Cover (Late 1996)

Another item from the 1996 file (and probably about the last thing I’ll share from it).

I drew this “cover” for Urbantasm in my Pre-Calculus class sometime in late ’96.  At this point, a lot had changed since I had drafted the play An Urbantasm.  Now it was going a novel divided into eight parts featuring a teenager named John Bridge who considered himself the antichrist.  It was set in the early 90s, and the major characters included Adam, Selby, Michael, Chuck, and Quanla.  In other words, more about that basic shape and character of the story changed over the course of 1996 than has changed in the 21 years since.  But then, early childhood experts say that the mind of a human changes more over the course of its first year on this earth than it will in all the rest of the years of its life, so really maybe this isn’t too surprising.